February 28

Minority Shareholders have the right not to be oppressed

“Remedies for unfairly prejudicial conduct towards shareholders appear in s 994 of the Companies Act 2006 (UK), 3 Part 2F.1 (ss 232-235) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and s 174 of the Companies Act 1993 (NZ). The remedy dates from 1948, when the original ‘oppression remedy’ was enacted in the UK. (Companies Act 1948(UK).

February 27

Lawyers are indispensable in building tomorrow, today

Lawyers are indispensable in building tomorrow, today

“Information now flows like water, and we must learn how to tap into its stream…accessing it and synergistically networking with others to shape serendipity to increase the likelihood of positive chance encounters….transform your teams to adapt to the networked world of information and intellect…. In this revolutionary book, ‘The Power of Pull: How Small Moves,.